San Juan Islands #2


Tippy the Adventure Dog

A story in pictures

July 1, 2017. We’re going on an adventure. That’s a new word for me. When MJ said it, she sounded excited, like it was a treat! or a walk!  I’m dubious. I’m pretty sure it involves getting inside that red thing, which she’s been trying to tempt me into for weeks. I’m not buying it.



This is more like it, finally, after spending all day wedged under the seat in that red abomination. Ugh. MJ says everybody’s stuffed into airplanes these days, so I shouldn’t take it personally. But now I’m sitting up high on a seaplane! An I-can-see-plane! Seattle! The water! The islands! YES! That’s the pilot on the left—he’s a good guy. We were best buds from the moment he said, “No dogs in crates,” for the hop from Seattle to Friday Harbor. He was petting me and flying the plane–at the same time! I could tell MJ was a little tense when he kept turning around, but I thought he was great! The other guy—the not-co-pilot on the right—started drinking at the airport. I don’t think he likes to fly.


We’re here! Yay! And Rob’s already sitting.  Why is he sitting? We’ve been sitting for hours. I want to go for a walk. New smells! 




Things to do on San Juan Island:

4th of July parade. There were boats. And bagpipes. And giant fish. I can tell we’re not in Ohio anymore.






Fireworks are very loud. I already knew this. They should have left me home and texted a photo.







Here I am taking Rob on a ferry ride while MJ is at work. He likes to look at the water and all the islands. Sometimes there are even whales.

I find the water just makes me sleepy…








…so does the air. And pillows.








Lots of walks!

Rob and I walk down to the harbor nearly every morning and watch the people and the boats. It’s a very busy place.
Here we are on top of the world! It’s a long way for my little legs!



I love go to the farmer’s market, but they won’t let me in. If they did, I’d go straight for the paella.
Here we are strolling through a field of lavender. My people liked it, but if you ask me, it all smelled the same. BTW, nice hair.
A walk onto the pier. I don’t know what this is, and I’ll never figure it out if I can’t smell it. Where is its bum?







All that walking makes me…sleepy. And, did I mention, I like pillows?







A fundraiser for the local animal shelter. This guy was supposed to jump in the water to retrieve the winning lottery ball. He stood there and stood there making like he was gonna go. Yeah. No. Yeah. No. No. Ummm. No. Whose idea was this anyway?








They should’ve asked me! Woohoo!







Now I leave you to your own adventures. May the Force be with you!






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